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Chattanooga State Community College



Admissions Login


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You are on your way to becoming a ChattState Tiger!

Welcome and thank you for your interest in attending Chattanooga State Community College.

Before you create an account and start the application, please take note of some specific information you will need to know as you complete the application. You will need to know:

  • If you are applying to the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) or a program within the credit division of Chattanooga State. All majors offered at ChattState, including TCAT majors, can be viewed at https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/academics/degrees-certificates
  • Your student type (transfer, dual enrollment, first-time college student, etc.) Visit https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/admissions for a description of each student type, as well as the required admissions requirements
  • The term that you want to start taking classes (Fall, Summer, or Spring)

Ready to start your application?

First-time users must create an account.

Returning Users enter your Login ID and PIN and then select Login. (Forgot your Login ID or PIN? Click here to create a new account.)

In general, it is only necessary to submit one application per semester. Multiple applications will delay the processing time of your Admissions application and Financial Aid.

Still need help? Contact the Enrollment Services Center for questions about your application via chat https://library.chattanoogastate.edu/ESVO20 or by calling 423-697-4401.

If you need assistance completing this application due to a disability, please contact the Center for Access and Disability Services at 423-697-4452 or via email, kristi.strode@chattanoogastate.edu.

First time user account creation
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Release: TBR: 1.4